Domain names

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new domain

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Need help? Take a look through our helpful guide containing hints and tips to consider when searching for a new domain.
Click here to see our domain guide.

.com domain name

From only
£13.74 a year

.co domain name

From only
£27.49 a year

.info domain name

From only
£17.59 a year

.net domain name

From only
£13.74 a year

domain guide

For some of the do’s and don’ts when choosing a domain name, read through our short guide.


Keep it simple

Having a complex domain name will not only make it difficult to remember, it will also make it harder for potential customers to type.


Avoid misspelling

Having a spelling mistake in your domain name can make it much harder for people to find you. It can also cause potential customers to question the legitimacy of your website.


Keep it short

The shorter the domain the more it will stand out. It will also be much more memorable which is a good thing when it comes to people trying to find your business.


Add keywords

Having keywords in your domain name can give potential customers an insight into what you do or the services you offer and also help them find you in a search.


Reflect your brand

Your brand name and website domain should be the same or as near to it possible. Having a completely different domain name could cause confusion and make your website harder to find.


Do not replicate

Replicating registered brand names or trademarks already used by other companies can lead to legal action. Make sure to do some research prior to creating a brand and domain name.

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Let’s find the answer

Common questions

Do I need a domain name?

Yes, a domain name is the address to your website.

Should I buy multiple domain extensions?

It is not a necessity but having multiple domain name extension can be beneficial in several ways. It can help users find your website and it will also prevents someone else from purchasing the domain.

Should I choose .com or

If you are only able to purchase one of the domain extensions, the recommended choice would come down to where your business operates. If you only operate in the UK then would be the best choice whereas if you do business globally then .com would be the better choice.

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